One of the best-kept secrets in the world of readers and authors is Goodreads.

Maybe you’ve never heard of it. Maybe you’ve used this website from the reader’s perspective. Or maybe you’ve just never checked it out.

It really doesn’t matter what you did before because now you need to look at Goodreads from the author’s perspective.

Goodreads is a social media platform all about books and reading. But for an author, it is often underutilized. Many authors laugh and scoff at Goodreads, but they miss out on some great promotional and feedback avenues.

In terms of promotions, you can create giveaways of your book in either eBook or print form! This is a paid service, but you have complete control over how it works. You decide how many books you are giving away. Three, five, twelve, or more—and for eBooks, you can give away up to 100 downloads; it doesn’t matter. It is up to you.

There are different levels in the giveaway. Every level is a different cost, so you get to decide how often your giveaway is promoted based on your budget. You can start a Goodreads giveaway for as little as $119. Pre-release giveaways can build possible purchases or pre-orders while post-release giveaways will give your book new traction with audiences. Both options are great. If you decide to release a second book as a follow-up, having giveaways for both will increase your audience!

The readers see the book and enter the giveaway. The book is then placed in their Want-To-Read section and continues to come up on their feed. Also, these Want-To-Read books can be seen by Goodreads friends, so you are reaching a larger audience.

There are also free options to get your book on more pages and in front of more readers. Have those who read your book, including beta readers and ARC readers who read the book before publication, post a review and remind them to post it to the Goodreads platform, not to just the Goodreads book page. These reviews can be done anytime but are also available pre-release most of the time so you will already have reviews when the book is officially released. Still, they are a great way to get the book on the main post page after publication. These reviews let people on Goodreads know that others have read the book and what they thought of it.

Goodreads doesn’t allow for posts like Facebook or Instagram. You can only post reviews and information about books. However, they do have a “Discussion” section where you can start discussions about topics in your book or about your book itself. The discussions are a little harder to get engagement on, but getting your current readers to go into the discussions and reply or ask questions will keep the discussion going helps and brings more readers to the discussion.

Using Goodreads is an easy way to ready a larger audience. And isn’t that your goal? Reaching a larger audience? Then what are you waiting for?! Go now and check out how Goodreads can help you sell more books!
